//star love

Hi. my name is Mai, just be yourself and don't use somebody to change yourself XD

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Template by : Atirah Hayati
edit by : miminadam

Little Things

Assalamualaikum and hye all ? first of all . seriously i'm really boring now . hahahaha , the conclusion is . that's why i'm here to update my blog ! hmm ,just a month ago , i lost aidah . hmm . not really sure what its reason for me to lose her . hahahaha , klaka right ? hm , whatever la . at least dy bley bahagia and bley stdy lbh baik tnpa aku disisi dy . InsyaAllah . hurmm , SPM result bile yee ?? hm . xsabar na jmpa fatin nadia . hope dy dapat result yang gempak and dapat gembirakan mak and ayah dy . Amin~ , i think sampai sini je la dlu for today . really tired actually to handle the stupid damn flu . 

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